Friday, October 31, 2008

SVOSH to Ecuador

Welome to Ecuador!
This was an trip through SVOSH - Student Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity. We had the privlege to deliver eye care to a region of great poverty in Ecuador: Manta. We treated many eye diseases and dispensed over 2.000 pairs of glasses, treating 3,000 patients in just 4 days. Very rewarding, very tiring. Our "reward" for this hard work was a "fun trip" to Puerto Lopez, a more resort-esque region on the West coast of Ecuador.
Group shot of Bret's classmates on the trip - this is just the 4th yrs. There were 40 volunteers on the trip with us. Soon to be doctors!

Live sea turtle! We got to see humbpack whales and nemo fish too!

Puerto Lopez coast. Before leaving for the boat ride.

On the fun trip,we got to stay in cabanas. On the service portion, we were in group room bunks. A little different :)

Bret treated many patients like this woman. Ecuadorians are very personable people.

I particularly loved the children. They were so friendly and helped me with Spanish while I charaded my communication to them :)

We were able to celebrate our FIRST wedding anniversary here - very special.